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ASCA Guidelines

Resource List

Crisis Response Plan

Bulletin Boards
These are examples of bulletin boards I have either made in a school or have found inspiration from. I will add to this board as I gather more!

Referral Form
This is just an example of a form a teacher could potentially fill out in order to refer a student to the school counselor.

Community Outreach Plans and Sources
Listed below are links to several pages that detail how to create outreach plans for communities. There is also a list of community service project ideas to get the wheels in your brain turning!

Parent Programs/Events
Upload are samples and lists of potential parent programs and events for schools.
This website details 6 typical ways to involve parents, and in their own words, 11 exceptional ways to involve them.

These are different ideas and presentations that could be presented during inservice. These presentations could add valuable skills and mindsets to the faculty and staff.
Using this article, you could develop a growth mindset in-service lesson for the staff.
The Educator with a Growth Mindset: A Professional Development Workshop
Using the content from The Value of Compassion in teaching and Compassion and Kindness should always be a part of the lesson plan, you could create an in-service activity on compassion in teaching.

School Board Presentations
There will be links of examples of school board presentations and school board presentation how-to guides.
School Board Presentations for Central School District
Another counselor's How to Present Your Counseling Program and Role to Staff
If you needed to present to the school board about your role specifically ASCA has a few brief informative handouts you could give the board.

Sample Programs
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Tennessee's Comprehensive School Counseling Model (page 12 is program expectations).
Example program from a school in 2016.
Example program for a school's 2020 to 2021 plan. (page 41 details their components of the school counseling program).