Community > School > Assessments > Individual

Here are personality, intake and needs assessments

Individual Resources
This large handbook walks the reader through academic advising It covers the data concerning academic advising, resource materials, responsibilities of each party, and typical advisee problems.
This video interviews students about their fears or misconceptions about their transition to middles school. In addition to this video, I have written a blog post​ about this concept. The post contains more resources.
This link provides lessons/outlines for different events or guidance lessons that the students and/or parents going through this transition can benefit from. In addition to this link I have written a blog post about this concept.
These issues cover the most common issues facing students. This post also discusses the issue of burnout the counselor faces. In addition here is a presentation that addresses issues for students.
These are the most common counseling approaches. It should be noted that for School Counseling sessions play therapy, Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy are typically found to be most effective and commonly used.